ctm_python_client.core package


ctm_python_client.core.comm module

class ctm_python_client.core.comm.AAPIClientResponse(success: bool, result: Any | None = None, errors: List[Any] | None = None)

Bases: object

class ctm_python_client.core.comm.AbstractAAPIClient

Bases: ABC

abstract classmethod authenticate()
class ctm_python_client.core.comm.Environment(endpoint: str, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, api_key: str | None = None, credentials: AbstractCredentials | None = None, mode: EnvironmentMode | None = None)

Bases: object

static create_onprem(host: str, port: str = '8443', username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, credentials: AbstractCredentials | None = None)
static create_saas(endpoint: str, api_key: str | None = None, credentials: AbstractCredentials | None = None)
static create_workbench(host: str = 'localhost', port: str = '8443')
class ctm_python_client.core.comm.EnvironmentMode(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

ONPREM = 'Control-M'
SAAS = 'Control-M Helix'
WORKBENCH = 'Control-M Workbench'
class ctm_python_client.core.comm.OnPremAAPIClient(endpoint: str, credentials: AbstractCredentials)

Bases: AbstractAAPIClient

class ctm_python_client.core.comm.SaasAAPIClient(endpoint: str, credentials: AbstractCredentials)

Bases: AbstractAAPIClient


ctm_python_client.core.credential module

class ctm_python_client.core.credential.AbstractCredentials

Bases: ABC

Abstract Class for Credentials

Use to create your custom classes for more advanced use cases of authentication

abstract classmethod get_password()
abstract classmethod get_username()
class ctm_python_client.core.credential.InputPasswordCredentials(username: str)

Bases: AbstractCredentials

class ctm_python_client.core.credential.SimpleCredentials(username: str, password: str)

Bases: AbstractCredentials


ctm_python_client.core.monitoring module

class ctm_python_client.core.monitoring.Monitor(aapiclient: OnPremAAPIClient | SaasAAPIClient)

Bases: object

confirm_job(job_id: str) str

Confirms a job. This only applies to jobs which where defined with confirm=True. Trying to confirm a job which can’t be confirmed or was already confirmed will result in error

delete_job(job_id: str) str

Deletes a job

get_log(job_id: str) str

Get the log of a job describing all actions regarding the job execution.

get_output(job_id: str, run_number: int = 0)
get_statuses(run_id: str | None = None, filter: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)
hold_job(job_id: str) str

Holds a job

kill_job(job_id: str) str

Kills a job

release_job(job_id: str) str

Releases a held job

rerun_job(job_id: str) str

Reruns a job

set_to_ok(job_id: str) str

Set a job to OK

class ctm_python_client.core.monitoring.RunMonitor(run_id: str, aapiclient: OnPremAAPIClient | SaasAAPIClient, monitor_page_uri: str | None = None)

Bases: Monitor

Class RunMonitor

Allows basic monitoring functions in a similar way that found in the Control-M Web interface

confirm_job(job_name: str) str

Confirms a job. This only applies to jobs which where defined with confirm=True. Trying to confirm a job which can’t be confirmed or was already confirmed will result in error

delete_job(job_name: str) str

Deletes a job

get_jobid(job_name: str) str

Get the job id from a job_name.

job_name can be a job name with or without path. If there are multiple jobs with the same name, the result will be determined according to path If no path is given, there will be an undefined behavior.

job_name example : “MyJob” or with path: “MyFolder/Subfolder1/Subfolder2/MyJob”

get_log(job_name: str) str

Get the log of a job describing all actions regarding the job execution.

get_output(job_name: str, run_number: int = 0) str

Get the output of a job describing all actions regarding the job execution. If not applicable, it returns None.

get_status(job_name: str)

Get the status of a job.


Get the status of the run and all its jobs

hold_job(job_name: str) str

Holds a job

kill_job(job_name: str) str

Kills a job

print_output(job_name: str, run_number: int = 0)

Print the output of a job describing all actions regarding the job execution.


Pretty prints full status of the run and all its jobs

You can pass printer kwarg to specify a pretty pritner function. The function accepts one argument: the list of statuses

release_job(job_name: str) str

Releases a held job

rerun_job(job_name: str) str

Reruns a job

set_to_ok(job_name: str) str

Set a job to OK

ctm_python_client.core.workflow module

Module contents